
deep_seq : forall a. Dyn -> a -> a

deep_seq x y forces a deep evaluation x, before returning y. Deep evaluation means deep_seq recursively forces the evaluation of the content of records and arrays, as opposed to std.seq.


std.deep_seq (42 / 0) 37
# => error

std.deep_seq (42 / 2) 37
# => 37

std.deep_seq [1+1, { not_too_far = [42 / 0] }] 37
# => error

deserialize : [| 'Json, 'Toml, 'Yaml |] -> String -> Dyn

Deserializes a string into a Nickel value from the given representation.


deserialize 'Json "{ \"hello\": \"Hello\", \"world\": \"World\" }"
# => { hello = "Hello", world = "World" }

fail_with | String -> (forall a. a)

Abort the evaluation with the given message. The error will be reported as a contract violation, as fail_with uses std.FailWith under the hood.


std.fail_with "message"
# => error: message


A contract that always fails with the given message.


1 | std.FailWith "message"
# => error: message

hash : [| 'Md5, 'Sha1, 'Sha256, 'Sha512 |] -> String -> String

Hashes the given string with the desired hashing algorithm.


std.hash 'Md5 "hunter2"
# => "2ab96390c7dbe3439de74d0c9b0b1767"

is_array : Dyn -> Bool

Checks if a value is an array.


std.is_array [ 1, 2 ]
# => true

std.is_array 42
# => false

is_bool : Dyn -> Bool

Checks if a value is a bool.


std.is_bool false
# => true

std.is_bool 42
# => false

is_enum : Dyn -> Bool

Checks if a value is an enum tag.


std.is_enum true
# => false

std.is_enum 'false
# => true

is_function : Dyn -> Bool

Checks if a value is a function.


std.is_function (fun x => x)
# => true

std.is_function 42
# => false

is_number : Dyn -> Bool

Checks if a value is a number.


std.is_number 1
# => true

std.is_number "Hello, World!"
# => false

is_record : Dyn -> Bool

Checks if a value is a record.


std.is_record [ 1, 2 ]
# => false

std.is_record { hello = "Hello", world = "World" }
# => true

is_string : Dyn -> Bool

Checks if a value is a string.


std.is_string true
# => false

std.is_string "Hello, World!"
# => true

seq : forall a. Dyn -> a -> a

seq x y forces the evaluation of x, before returning y.

The evaluation of x stops as soon as a so-called weak head normal form is reached, which is either:

  • an array
  • a record
  • a function (or a match statement, which is function in disguise)
  • a constant (a number, a boolean, a string literal or an enum tag)
  • a contract label

Note that seq won't evaluate the content of arrays and records further. Please see std.deep_seq to recursively force the evaluation of an expression.


std.seq (42 / 0) 37
# => error

std.seq (42 / 2) 37
# => 37

std.seq { too_far = 42 / 0 } 37
# => 37

serialize : [| 'Json, 'Toml, 'Yaml |] -> Dyn -> String

Serializes a value into the desired representation.


serialize 'Json { hello = "Hello", world = "World" }
# => "{\n  \"hello\": \"Hello\",\n  \"world\": \"World\"\n}"

to_string | std.string.Stringable -> String

Converts a stringable value to a string representation. Same as std.string.from.


std.to_string 42
# => "42"

std.to_string 'Foo
# => "Foo"

std.to_string null
# => "null"

trace : forall a. String -> a -> a

std.trace msg x prints msg to standard error, then proceeds with the evaluation of x.


std.trace "Hello, world!" true
# std.trace: Hello, world!
# => true

typeof : Dyn -> [| '"Number", '"Bool", '"String", 'Enum, 'Label, 'Function, '"Array", 'Record, 'ForeignId, 'CustomContract, 'Type, 'Other |]

Returns the type of a value.


std.typeof [ 1, 2 ]
# => 'Array

std.typeof (fun x => x)
# => 'Function