Contracts in Nickel

Note: Most of the examples of this document are run in the Nickel REPL. To start a session, run nickel repl in your terminal.

For the motivation behind contracts and a high-level overview of contracts and types, first read the correctness section.

To a first approximation, contracts are assertions. They check that a value satisfies some property at run-time. If the test passes, the execution can go on normally. Otherwise, an error is raised. In Nickel, you can apply a contract using the | operator:

let x = (1 + 1 | Number) in x

Contracts can also be attached to identifiers in a let binding. The following is equivalent to the previous example:

let x | Number = 1 + 1 in x

Contracts can also be attached to record fields:

{x | Number = 1 + 1}

Important: contracts attached to a record field, such as {x | Number = 1}, and a freestanding contract annotation such as {x = (1 | Number)} behave differently with respect to record merging. However, as far as runtime checks are concerned (which is the focus of this document), they are equivalent.

Here, x is bound to a Number contract. When evaluating x, the following steps are performed:

  1. Evaluate 1 + 1.
  2. Check that the result is a number.
  3. If it is, return the expression unchanged. Otherwise, raise an error.
> 1 + 1 | Number

> "a" | Number
error: contract broken by a value

Contracts corresponding to the basic types Number, String, Bool and Dyn are available. Dyn is a contract that never fails.

User-defined contracts

The ability to check arbitrary properties is where run-time contracts really shine. This section explains how to define and use your very own contract.

Preamble: idempotency

As you will see in this section, Nickel contracts are more than mere boolean validators. They can sometimes modify the checked value for valid reasons exposed below. However, it's hard (if not impossible) to rightfully limit the expressive power of contracts to be reasonable with respect to modifications.

For Nickel, the notion of reasonable modification is practically defined by idempotency. An idempotent contract is a contract which gives the same result if applied once or many times to the same value. That is, for any value, MyContract is idempotent if value | MyContract and value | MyContract | MyContract gives the same result. Idempotency sounds like a reasonable property for a contract, even if it can perform some normalization.

Nickel makes the assumption that all contracts - including user-defined contracts - are idempotent, because the converse would be surprising for consumers of the contract and because this assumption enables important optimizations such as contract deduplication. While non-idempotent contracts shouldn't wreak havoc on your program, they might lead to surprising results, such as a change in behavior e.g. when refactoring a program to a new version that should be identical, typically because the deduplication optimization doesn't fire anymore. You must always ensure that you write idempotent contracts.


The simplest way to write a custom contract is to use std.contract.from_predicate. This function takes a predicate, which is a function taking a value and returning a boolean (that is, a function of type Dyn -> Bool) and converts it to a contract.

Here is a contract that checks if a string is equal to "foo":

{ IsFoo = std.contract.from_predicate ((==) "foo") }

The syntax (==) turns the equality operator == into a function, and is shorthand for fun x y => x == y. The partial application (==) "foo" is then the function fun y => "foo" == y, which is exactly the condition we want.

Here is another example of a port number contract:

  Port =
    std.contract.from_predicate (fun value =>
      std.is_number value
      && std.number.is_integer value
      && value >= 0
      && value <= 65535

One drawback of std.contract.from_predicate is that it doesn't allow for custom error messages. from_predicate is useful to quickly define contracts based on a boolean condition and when the contract is simple enough to not require a custom error message: as for primitive types, just seeing the name of the contract should be sufficient for other developers to understand what went wrong.


Predicates are useful for simple contracts, but they have an important shortcoming: it's impossible to customize the reported error messages in case of contract violation. Validators are an enhanced version of predicates that can include additional information to be reported in case of error. They leverage Nickel's enum variants to do so.

Instead of returning a boolean, a validator returns a value of type:

  'Error {
      | String
      | optional,
      | Array String
      | optional,

This type includes the value 'Ok to signal success and 'Error data to signal a violation, where data is a record that has an optional field message representing the main error explanation and an optional field notes, which is an array of strings, for additional notes included at the end of the error message. Each note spans a new line.

Let's rewrite the IsFoo contract using a validator with more precise error reporting:

> let IsFoo =
  std.contract.from_validator (match {
    "foo" => 'Ok,
    value if std.is_string value =>
      'Error {
        message = "expected \"foo\", got \"%{value}\"",
    value =>
      let typeof = value |> std.typeof |> std.to_string in
      'Error {
        message = "expected a String, got a %{typeof}",
        notes = ["The value must be a string equal to \"foo\"."],

> 1 | IsFoo
error: contract broken by a value
       expected a String, got a Number
  ┌─ <repl-input-3>:1:211 | IsFoo
  │  ^   ----- expected type
  │  │
  │  applied to this expression
  = The value must be a string equal to "foo".

> "a" | IsFoo
error: contract broken by a value
       expected "foo", got "a"

> "foo" | IsFoo

General custom contracts

In some situations, even validators aren't sufficient. For example, when writing delayed contracts or parametrized contracts, you might not be able to decide right away if a value satisfies a contract.

For those use-cases, the stdlib provides the additional contract constructor std.contract.custom which is the most general form (predicates and validators are just special cases of general custom contracts).

The argument of std.contract.custom must be a function that takes two arguments:

  • A label.
  • The value being checked.

This function must return either 'Ok new_value or 'Error {..}, almost like a validator, but with the additional new_value which is the original value with potential delayed checks included.


For immediate checks, signaling failure should be done by returning 'Error, as for validators, whenever possible. However, for delayed checks, we must do differently. A custom contract uses std.contract.blame which takes the label as an argument. blame immediately aborts the execution and reports a contract violation error. You can think of it as throwing an exception, but one that can't be caught.

The label is a special object which is automatically passed to the custom contract by the interpreter. The label contains tracking information for error reporting. Custom contracts can use the label to customize error reporting upon failure using the functions from std.contract.label, which set various attributes of the label and return the new modified label. As seen in the contracts parametrized by contracts section, the label must also be provided when applying a subcontract.

The use of labels is illustrated in the delayed contracts section. Another example of a general custom contracts is given in the next section on parametrized contracts.

Parametrized contracts

Let us consider a contract for bounds checking:

let Between5And10 =
  std.contract.from_predicate (fun value =>
    std.is_number value
    && value >= 5
    && value <= 10

let Schema = {
  level | Between5And10,

{ level = 5 } | Schema

Now, we add a new field to our schema, which must be between 0 and 1:

let Between5And10 =
  std.contract.from_predicate (fun value =>
    std.is_number value
    && value >= 5
    && value <= 10

let Between0And1 =
  std.contract.from_predicate (fun value =>
    std.is_number value
    && value >= 0
    && value <= 1

let Schema = {
  level | Between5And10,
  strength | Between0And1,

  level = 5,
  strength = 0.5,
} | Schema

Between5And9 and Between0And1 are awkwardly similar. Instead, we can use a single function parametrized by some arguments which returns a contract:

let Between = fun min max =>
  std.contract.from_predicate (fun value =>
    value >= min
    && value <= max

let Schema = {
  level | Between 5 10,
  strength | Between 0 1,

  level = 5,
  strength = 0.5,
} | Schema

Contracts parametrized by contracts

Contracts parametrized by other contracts are not really special amongst parametrized contracts: it's just that the additional argument turns out to be a contract as well. Usually, a contract taking a contract parameter will eventually apply it, using either std.contract.apply or std.contract.check (the difference between these is explained in the next subsection).

Parameters that are also contracts may contain delayed checks. In consequence, a contract parametrized by another unknown contract must usually be written as a custom contract as well, using the constructor std.contract.custom.

One example is a Nullable contract, which accepts a value that is either null or of some other given format. If the argument is null, we accept the value immediately (and return it unchanged). Otherwise, we proceed with the argument contract.

let Nullable = fun Contract =>
  std.contract.custom (fun label value =>
    if value == null then
      'Ok value
      std.contract.check Contract label value

  # succeeds
  null | Nullable Number,
  # succeeds
  1 | Nullable Number,
  # fails
  "a" | Nullable Number,

apply vs check

The stdlib provides two variants for applying a contract. The difference lies in their return value, and how they propagate errors.

std.contract.apply is used by the interpreter when evaluating a contract application such as value | Contract. As such, a contract violation is always turned into a call to std.contract.blame and aborts the execution immediately. In particular, even an immediate error can't be caught from normal Nickel code. If the contract succeeds, or at least the immediate part, the value with potential delayed check inside is returned directly.

When implementing a parametrized contract, apply should be used for delayed checks. Here is a contrived example re-implementing the builtin contract [| 'Foo Contract |] parametrized by Contract:

> let FooOf = fun Contract =>
  std.contract.custom (fun label =>
    match {
      'Foo arg => 'Ok ('Foo (std.contract.apply Contract label arg)),
      _ => 'Error {},

> 'Foo 5 | FooOf Number
'Foo 5

> 'Foo "a" | FooOf Number
error: contract broken by a value

In this case, Contract is applied as part of the delayed checks. When those checks are eventually run, we aren't in the context of the implementation of a contract anymore, and 'Ok or 'Error aren't meaningful. We need to either abort upon failure, or to proceed transparently with the evaluation of value.

On the other hand, std.contract.check should be used in the situation where a parametrized contract performs some immediate checks and then completely transfers the execution to another contract. This is precisely the case of the Nullable example above:

> let Nullable = fun Contract =>
  std.contract.custom (fun label value =>
    if value == null then
      'Ok value
      std.contract.check Contract label value

> null | Nullable Number

> 5 | Nullable Number

> "a" | Nullable Number
error: contract broken by a value

In this case, we do want the contract application to return either 'Ok or 'Error. Indeed, we don't know yet if we should return 'Ok or not: Contract might itself returns an immediate error through 'Error which we would like to bubble up as an immediate error too.

check preserves immediate errors, while apply converts them to blame errors (it also spares us from wrapping the result in 'Ok but this is more anecdotal). This makes more contract errors catchable.

For example, with the current version, Nullable Number is an immediate contract that returns 'Error if the value is neither null nor a Number (say, "a"). We can in particular use it with boolean contract combinators, such as in std.contract.any_of [Nullable Number, String], with the expected behavior. Had we used std.contract.apply in this case, this would turn the Number sub-check to a delayed check, meaning that "a" | std.contract.any_of [Nullable Number, String] would now error out unduly. See boolean combinators] for more details on any_of.

Compound contracts

This section describes the different ways of composing existing contracts together to create new ones.


Record contracts are fundamental in a configuration language like Nickel. They encode the data schema of a configuration. A record contract is a record literal with contract annotations and whose field definitions are usually (but not necessarily) missing:

let Schema = {
  path | String,

    | {
      server_port | Port,
      host | String,

  path = "/foo/bar",
  connection = {
    server_port =
      if host == "localhost" then
    host = "localhost",
} | Schema

Schema is a schema describing a configuration with:

  • a field path that must be a string
  • a sub-record connection, which has a server_port and a host field that are respectively a port number and a string.

See how we've combined contracts: while defining the Schema record contract, we wrote another inline record contract for the connection field, and we reused the Port contract defined earlier. Composition is this ability of using existing contracts seamlessly as building blocks for new contracts.

If we export this example to JSON, we get:

$ nickel export config.ncl
error: contract broken by the value of `server_port`
   ┌─ example.ncl:26:7
16 │         server_port | Port,
   │                       ---- expected type
26 │ ╭       if host == "localhost" then
27 │ │         "8080"
   │ │         ------ evaluated to this expression
28 │ │       else
29 │ │         80,
   │ ╰──────────^ applied to this expression
   ┌─ <unknown> (generated by evaluation):1:1
 1 │ "8080"
   │ ------ evaluated to this value

Indeed, our server_port is a string, while a number was expected. If we replace "8080" by 8080, we finally obtain:

  "connection": {
    "host": "localhost",
    "server_port": 8080
  "path": "/foo/bar"

If for a specific use-case port numbers can actually also be specified as strings, you can amend the Port contract to be more permissive and accept strings representing valid port numbers.


In addition to defining the contracts of fields, record contracts can also attach metadata (see merging) to fields, such as documentation or default values:

> let Schema = {
      | doc "This documentation will propagate to the final value!"
      | String
      | default
      = "foo",
    bar | Number,

> let config | Schema = {bar = 2}

> std.serialize 'Json config
"{\n  \"bar\": 2,\n  \"foo\": \"foo\"\n}"

> :query config foo
* contract: String
* default: "foo"
* documentation: This documentation will propagate to the final value!

Open record contracts

By default, record contracts are closed, meaning that additional fields are forbidden:

> let Contract = {foo | String}

> {foo = "a", bar = 1} | Contract
error: contract broken by a value
       extra field `bar`

If you want to allow additional fields, append , .. after the last field definition to define an open contract:

> let Contract = {foo | String, ..}

> {foo = "a", bar = 1} | Contract
{ bar = 1, foo | String = "a", .. }

Giving values to fields

While most record contracts don't have field definitions, they can. In fact, record contracts are nothing special: any record literal can be used both as a contract or a normal value. If a field is defined both in the contract and the checked value, the two definitions will be merged in the final result. For example:

> let Secure = {
    must_be_very_secure | Bool = true,
    data | String,

> std.serialize 'Json ({data = ""} | Secure)
"{\n  \"data\": \"\",\n  \"must_be_very_secure\": true\n}"

> {data = "", must_be_very_secure = false} | Secure
error: non mergeable terms
  ┌─ <repl-input-22>:1:361{data = "", must_be_very_secure = false} | Secure
  │                                    ^^^^^    ------ originally merged here
  │                                    │
  │                                    cannot merge this expression
  ┌─ <repl-input-20>:2:342 │     must_be_very_secure | Bool = true,
  │                                  ^^^^ with this expression
  = Merge operands have the same merge priority but they can't be combined.
  = Both values are of type Bool but they aren't equal.
  = Bool values can only be merged if they are equal

Warning: = vs |

It may be tempting to use = instead of | to attach a record contract to a field. That is, writing Contract = {foo = {bar | String}} instead of Contract = {foo | {bar | String}}. When applying this contract, the merging operator will apply the String contract to the field foo of the checked value. At first sight, = also fits the bill. However, there are a number of subtle but potentially surprising differences.

One concerns open contracts. Merging never requires the presence of specific fields: thus, the contract {bar | String} attached to foo will actually behave like an open contract, even if you didn't use ... This might or might not be what you want:

> let ContractPipe = {
    sub_field | {foo | String}

> let ContractEq = {
    sub_field = {foo | String}

> { = "a", = "b"} | ContractPipe
error: contract broken by the value of `sub_field`
       extra field `bar`

> { = "a", = "b"} | ContractEq
{ sub_field = { bar = "b", foo | String = "a", }, }

There are other discrepancies, e.g. when applying the contract to a record with a default annotation on subfield. Thus, unless you have a specific use-case in mind, you should use | instead of = when attaching record contracts.

Type constructors for contracts

We've already seen that the primitive types Number, String and Bool can be used as contracts. In fact, any type constructor of the static type system can be used to combine contracts.


An array contract checks that the value is an array and applies its parameter contract to each element:

> let VeryBig =
  std.contract.from_predicate (
      fun value =>
        std.is_number value
        && value >= 1000

> [1000, 10001, 2] | Array VeryBig
error: contract broken by a value
  ┌─ <repl-input-28>:1:161 │  [1000, 10001, 2] | Array VeryBig
  │                ^          ------- expected array element type
  │                │
  │                applied to this expression


A function contract In -> Out returns a wrapped function which, for each call, will check the parameter against the In contract and the return value against the Out contract. Put differently, In represents pre-conditions which must hold for the parameter, and Out represents post-conditions which must hold for the return value of the function.

Caller vs callee

Function contracts, as opposed to a contract like Number, have the peculiarity of involving two parties. For example:

let add_semi | String -> String = fun x => x ++ ";" in
add_semi 1

let wrong | String -> String = fun x => 0 in
wrong "a"

Both of those examples will fail with a contract violation. But they are different in nature: in the first one, the function add_semi respects its contract. Whenever x is a string, add_semi does return a string. Here, the caller (the user of the function) is to blame, and not the callee (the function). This is an important distinction. Say you wrote add_semi as part of a library. A wrong call is a random user of your library, somewhere, misusing add_semi. This is not your responsibility to fix, assuming the contract error messages are good enough to let users understand the issue quickly.

The second example is the converse. The caller provides a string, as requested by the contract, but the function returns a number. The blame is on the callee. If you are the library writer who shipped the wrong function, this is a bug you have to fix.

The interpreter automatically performs bookkeeping for function contracts in order to make this caller/callee distinction:

> let add_semi | String -> String = fun x => x ++ ";" in
  add_semi 1
error: contract broken by the caller

> let wrong | String -> String = fun x => 0 in
  wrong "a"
error: contract broken by a function
Higher-order functions

The beauty of function contracts is that they gracefully scale to higher-order functions as well. Higher-order functions are functions that take other functions as parameters. Here is an example:

> let apply_fun | (Number -> Number) -> Number = fun f => f 0 in
  apply_fun (fun x => "a")
error: contract broken by the caller
  ┌─ <repl-input-31>:1:291let apply_fun | (Number -> Number) -> Number = fun f => f 0 in------ expected return type of a function provided by the caller
2 │   apply_fun (fun x => "a")--- evaluated to this expression
  ┌─ <unknown> (generated by evaluation):1:11"a"--- evaluated to this value


The type constructor {_ : Contract} represents a record whose field names are not constrained but whose field values must satisfy Contract. In practice, Contract is applied to each field. Such a contract is useful when using records as an extensible dictionary, that is a key/value store, where keys are strings and values satisfy Contract, for example:

> let occurrences | {_: Number} = {a = 2, b = 3, "!" = 5, "^" = 1} in

Delayed contracts

This section covers delayed contracts, why they are useful, and how to write them. You might come across the term lazy contracts elsewhere in the documentation, which was the previous denomination of delayed contracts: the two notions are strictly equivalent.

Lazy evaluation

In the section on writing a custom contract with std.contract.custom, we noted the surprising fact that a general custom contract must return 'Ok new_value, instead of just returning 'Ok.

The motivation for this return value is laziness. Nickel is designed to be lazy, only evaluating values on-demand.

When evaluating a record, Nickel only evaluates the spine of the record, that is the structure of the record (the field names and their metadata), but not its content. The field values are left unevaluated, until they are accessed, printed (in the REPL or as a result of nickel), or serialized/exported. Thanks to laziness, you can for example query specific information on a large configuration without having to actually evaluate everything. We will use the always failing contract std.FailWith to observe where evaluation takes place:

> let config = {
    fail | std.FailWith "ooch" = null,
    data | doc "Some information" = 42

> :query config data
* documentation: Some information

error: contract broken by the value of `fail`

See how the command :query succeeds, although the field fail causes an error when evaluated.

A large configuration usually has a root contract attached, corresponding to its schema. If this contract would perform all the checks immediately, forcing the evaluation of most of the configuration, we would lose the benefits of laziness. Thus, we want contracts to be lazy as well. In particular, when writing a contract {foo | FooContract}, we want that FooContract fires only when the field foo is requested. This is indeed the case: built-in contract combinators, such as array contracts, dictionary contracts and function contracts, all have a delayed part.

Immediate and delayed

It's useful to see a general contract as having two parts:

  • An immediate part which is evaluated first and produces an answer right away. This answer is either:
    • 'Ok new_value to signal success of the immediate checks, returning the delayed part in new_value
    • 'Error {..} to signal immediate failure
  • A delayed part included in new_value which corresponds to the original value with delayed checks integrated inside. Those checks will fire only when further data is requested. Throwing an error from the delayed part is done using std.contract.blame, which is more like throwing an exception, as opposed to simply returning 'Error in the immediate part.

In practice, a general custom contract is just one function combining both. The immediate/delayed distinction is just conceptual, but it's still a helpful point of view to understand the design of Nickel's contract system.

Take the record contract {foo | FooContract} applied to the value {foo = 42}:

  • the immediate part of this contract will check that the value is a record and that its only field is foo, which is the case.
  • the delayed part will push the FooContract contract inside the value and return the result, giving {foo | FooContract = 42}.

A contract built from a predicate or a validator (using respectively std.contract.from_predicate and std.contract.from_validator) only has an immediate part.

Writing a delayed contract

First, let us mention that writing a contract with a delayed part is not that common. Predicates and validators should cover most of your needs. Delayed contracts are most often native Nickel contract combinators. It's still possible to need one's own specialized variant of built-in contracts, which will be our working example in this section.

Another use-case for custom delayed contracts is to write a contract that is parametrized by another contract, such as the Nullable contract implemented in the parametrized contracts section. Because the parameter contract is generic and can have a delayed part, Nullable needs to be written as a contract with a potential delayed part as well.

Imagine we want to write a contract similar to {_ | Bool}, that is a dictionary of booleans, but we also want keys to be valid numbers (although represented as strings). A valid value could look like {"1": true, "2": false, "10": true}. If we use a predicate or a validator, it's impossible to preserve laziness: as soon as your contract is called, you would need to produce a yes or no answer, and checking that fields are all Bool requires evaluating their content first.

What we can do is to not perform all the checks right away, but return a new value which is wrapping the original value with delayed checks inside:

  NumberBoolDict =
    std.contract.custom (fun label value =>
      let with_delayed_checks =
        |> (fun name value =>
          let label_with_msg =
            std.contract.label.with_message "field `%{name}` is not a boolean" label
          # Note: we use `apply` and not `check` here since we
          # are inside a delayed check
          std.contract.apply Bool label_with_msg value

      if std.is_record value then
        |> std.record.fields
        |> std.array.fold_right
          (fun field_name rest =>
            if std.string.is_match "^\\d+$" field_name then
              'Error {
                message = "field name `%{field_name}` is not a number"
          ('Ok with_delayed_checks)
        'Error { message = "not a record" }

There is a lot to unwrap here. Please refer to the syntax section if you have trouble parsing the example.

We first define with_delayed_checks, the delayed part, that maps a function over the record which substitutes each field for the same value but wrapped in a Bool contract. Thanks to lazyness, the record mapping won't happen until 'Ok with_delayed_checks is returned and some code actually uses the value. Even then, because records (and record mapping) are lazy, this doesn't actually execute the Bool contracts right away. Each contract will only be run when the individual fields will be accessed or exported.

We then proceed to the immediate checks. We first check if the value is a record and return 'Error {..} otherwise. Then, we iterate over all the record field names and check that each one is a sequence of digits. We use a right fold because of its short-circuiting capabilities: as soon as an 'Error is encountered, fold_right doesn't need to evaluate the rest and returns immediately. We provide the base value 'Ok with_delayed_checks, which will be picked only if all the fields are valid and the iteration goes through the end. In that case, the immediate part has succeeded, and we return the value with delayed checks.

We could theoretically have made the whole contact delayed by pushing the immediate checks down each field, together with the Bool contract application, but it's neither necessary nor desirable: as long as we don't force fields, it's better to perform as many checks as possible immediately, to report errors early and because it behaves better with respect to boolean contract combinators.

Let us see if we indeed preserved laziness:


> let config | NumberBoolDict = {
    "1" | std.FailWith "ooch" = null, # same as our previous "fail"
    "0" | doc "Some information" = true,

> config."0"

Yes! Our contract doesn't unduly cause the evaluation of the field "1". Does it check anything, though?


> let config | NumberBoolDict = {
    not_a_number = false,
    "0" | doc "Some information" = false,

> config."0"
error: contract broken by a value
       field name `not_a_number` is not a number

> let config | NumberBoolDict = {
    "0" | doc "Some information" = "not a boolean",

> config."0"
error: contract broken by a value
       field `0` is not a boolean

It does!


Our NumberBoolDict contract doesn't perform all the checks needed right away. Instead, it performs some of them immediately and returns a new value, which is wrapping the original value with delayed checks inside. Doing so preserves laziness of the language and only triggers the checks when the values are used or exported in a configuration. This is the reason for general custom contracts to return an updated value as 'Ok new_value while validators simply return 'Ok.

Boolean combinators

The stdlib features a set of boolean combinators for contracts: std.contract.all_of, std.contract.any_of and std.contract.not.

It's important to note that those combinators are only approximations of what you could expect from boolean operations. Fortunately, they are overstrict approximation, in that they might reject more values, but will never let invalid values slip through.

The reason is, once again, the presence of delayed contracts.

Combining delayed contracts

Let Foo be the contract std.contract.any_of [{ foo | String }, {foo | Number}]. Like all built-in contracts and contract combinators, any_of is designed to preserve lazyness and delayed checks, so it can't evaluate the field foo to determine if it's a number or a string, as it's a delayed check of each built-in record contract. In particular, checking the value {foo = 1+1} against Foo will fail: any_of will run {foo | String}, whose immediate part will succeed (the shape matches) and return 'Ok {foo | String = 1+1}. From there, any_of has no way to know that the delayed check will eventually fail, and such delayed failures aren't catchable. Thus, the branch to pick is based on the immediate part, and any_of will pick {Foo | String}. When foo will be requested, the String contract will eventually be applied and will fail.

That is, {foo = 1+1} | Foo will fail, which is surprising. Foo as defined here is essentially useless and equivalent to just {Foo | String}. As both branches have the same immediate part, they can't discriminate between values, and either {foo | String} will be picked, or both contracts will fail, but the {foo | Number} contract will never be picked.

Similarly, std.contract.any_of [Array Number, Array String] will always behave as Array Number.

On the other hand, std.contract.any_of [Number, String] will work as expected, because those contracts are immediate. More generally, boolean combinators work as expected on custom contracts built from predicates or validators (using std.contract.from_predicate and std.contract.from_validator).

Some combinations of delayed contracts, such as std.contract.any_of [{ foo | Number }, { bar | String }] will also work as expected. In this case, the check for extra fields is immediate and will be sufficient to discriminate between the two branches immediately.

Important Note that the check for missing fields is delayed in the built-in record contracts. When you apply a record contract, Nickel expects that all fields might not be present yet, but they are rather expected to be introduced by other parts of the configuration through merging. Instead of raising an error right away, missing fields are just introduced as fields without definition, which makes them delayed checks. Thus, std.contract.any_of [{ foo | Number, bar | String}, {foo | Number}] won't behave as expected, and will fail on {foo = 1+1}. Indeed, this combination will always pick the first contract, setting bar as a field without definition to be filled later. Once again, this combination is equivalent to its first element, the contract {foo | Number, bar | String} alone. Interestingly, swapping the two contracts makes any_of work as expected: std.contract.any_of [{foo | Number}, {foo | Number, bar | String}]. Because any_of tries contracts in order, and that extra fields are checked immediately, {foo | Number} will be able to reject a record with a bar field immediately. Note that in this particular example, the right way to write this contract is rather { foo | Number, bar | String | optional } - no need to resort to any_of.

Customize the boolean behavior

The limitations mentioned above are inherent to the lazy evaluation model of Nickel, and because we want the built-in contracts to preserve lazyness by default.

However, if you hit this limitation, you can always decide to build a custom contract that will be able to discriminate between more values immediately, at the cost of evaluating more data.

For example, consider an encoding of an enum as a record with a tag and a value: accepted values are records of the shape {tag, value} where the value is a number if tag is 'Number, or a string if tag is 'String.

A naive implementation is std.contract.any_of [{ tag = 'String, value | String }, { tag = 'Number, value | Number }]. This has the exact problem described in the previous section: this is equivalent to the contract { tag | 'String, value | String }, and will reject the seemingly legal value { tag = 'Number, value = 1+1 }.

The trick is to use a custom contract that performs more immediate checks. There are many different ways to approach this problem, depending on the specifics of each situation. Here, we'll write a little Tagged contract wrapper that takes a record contract, expects tag to exist and to be set to a fixed value, and will check if the provided value has a matching tag immediately.

> let Tagged = fun Contract =>
  std.contract.custom (fun label =>
    match {
      value @ { tag, .. } if tag == Contract.tag =>
        std.contract.check Contract label value,
      { tag, .. } =>
        'Error { message = "incompatible tag field" },
      _ =>
        'Error { message = "missing tag field" },

> let NumberOrString = std.contract.any_of [
    Tagged { tag = 'String, value | String },
    Tagged { tag = 'Number, value | Number },

> { tag = 'Number, value = 1+1 } | NumberOrString
{ tag = '"Number", value | Number = 2, }

> { tag = 'String, value = "hello"} | NumberOrString
{ tag = '"String", value | String = "hello", }

> { tag = 'Number, value = "hello"} | NumberOrString
error: contract broken by the value of `value`

Immediate version of built-in contracts

In the future, we plan to provide alternative versions of built-in contracts, like { foo | Number, bar | String } or Array {_ | Number}, but which are fully immediate with no delayed checks. This would allow to use them in boolean combinators with the intuitive semantics, at the price of needing to deeply evaluate all the content immediately. This might be useful when converting schemas from different tools to Nickel blindly without having to write a lot of custom contract boilerplate.

As of today, those immediate versions are not yet available. It is advised to rely on custom wrappers in the meantime, as explained in the previous section.

Other combinators

any_of has been used as a leading example, but not has the same limitations. For example, ["a"] | std.contract.not (Array Number) will fail, as std.contract.not (Array Number) is essentially the same as std.contract.not (Array Dyn), and will reject any array.

On the other hand, all_of doesn't suffer from the same limitations, since it has to apply all contracts unconditionally.

One exception worth noting is function contracts, which are mostly delayed, and might be overstrict with all boolean operators including all_of: all_of [Number -> Number, String -> String] will reject all values, including the identity function fun x => x, because it's the same contract as std.contract.all_of [Number, String] -> std.contract.all_of[Number, String], but std.contract.all_of [Number, String] is void. Because fun x => x can be annotated with the Number -> Number and String -> String contracts individually, one could expect that the any_of combination would work as well, but it doesn't.